Commission Refund Service

It is easy to receive $1,000's per annum in cash refunds on your personal insurances such as life and TPD cover and Home Loans.

Insurance Policies

When you nominate iRefund as the broker on your insurance policies, iRefund will collect all trailing commissions generated on your behalf and credit these funds to your "Refund Account".

As part of the process we will also ensure that all existing entry fees (typically 4%) applying to your investments and superannuation accounts are reduced to NIL. This ensures that 100% of any future contributions to your investments or super are working for you and no entry fees are "skimmed off the top" of your investment funds.

Nomination of iRefund as the broker on your existing investment, super and insurance policies is easy. All that is required is that you download and print a "Broker Nomination Form" complete the details on the form and fax it to 1300 305 938. Alternatively you can post the Broker Nomination Form to -

Reply Paid 3183
Melbourne Vic 3001

The process takes 2 minutes and could result entry fee savings and $1,000's in the form a cash refund every year.

Find out how much you could benefit by accessing the Refund Calculator here.

Nominate iRefund as your broker on your nsurance policies and start accumulating your commission refund today.

Complete Broker Nomination Form Online


Broker Nomination Form


Nominating iRefund as the broker on your accounts and policies DOES NOT alter any of their details, in fact they will operate exactly as they do today - with you in total control and with 100% ownership. The only difference is that iRefund will now collect and refund commissions generated by your personal insurance policies to you annually.

New Insurance Policies -

iRefund offers a personal insurance "quotation service" for members to arrange for the protection of your and your family's financial future. The range of personal insurance's include -

  • Life Insurance
  • Total Permanent Disability Insurance (TPD)
  • Income Protection Insurance
  • Trauma Insurance

All new insurance policies arranged with the assistance of iRefund will be automatically enrolled in the iRefund Commisssion Refund Service. This ensures that all trailing commissions are available to be refunded to you - the policy holder.

New insurance policies also typically pay an initial commission to the broker. iRefund will collect and refund to you 50% of the initial upfront commission paid on the establishment of any insurance policy. This 50% share of the initial upfront commission will be refunded to you as soon as the second year's premium has been received.

Home Loans

iRefund's home loan commisssion refund service will collect the trailing commissions generated by your home loan and credit this amount to your refund account.

Payment of your annual refund

During the month of December, iRefund will pay to your bank account equal to 50% of the first $790 plus 100% of the remaining balance of your refund account. iRefund will only retain a maximum amount of $395 for our services - 100% of the balance of your refund account is returned to YOU - AFTER ALL ITS YOUR MONEY.

The below table demonstrates diagrammatically the iRefund Service -

Refund Account Balance  Members Refund Split iRefund Split
 The first $790  50 %  50 % ($395 maximum)
 Amounts in excess of $790  100 % (unlimited amount)  Nil %

Read more about how we charge for our service.

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