Become a member of iRefund

Benefit from registering as an iRefund member - we collect the commissions generated by your investments, super, pensions & insurance policies on your behalf and refund them back to you in the form of an annual cash payment.

Fields with asterisk (*) are compulsory.

I was referred to iRefund by an existing member.
In order to submit a referral, you need to provide us with their member number or email address. If you do not have the member number or email then please provide the correct firstname, lastname and phone.
* I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Financial services guide of iRefund website.

Registration Successful. Welcome to iRefund.


You have just been sent an email confirming your membership to iRefund along with your username, password and personal details.

You can now access your iRefund member account to monitor the balance of your refund account and the commissions iRefund have collected for you on your investments, insurances and home loan borrowing's.

In order to begin the commission collection process please click on the below link to the "Broker Nomination Form", and follow the instructions to nominate iRefund as the broker on your super, investments and insurance policies.

Nominate iRefund

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